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APPROVED Minutes, September 23, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:    Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                   Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 2009
LOCATION:                               120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Chairperson Paul Durand, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy
MEMBERS ABSENT:                 Helen Sides
OTHERS PRESENT:                 Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                               Andrea Bray

Chairperson Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1.  281 Essex Street (Get in Shape for Women):  Discussion of proposed signage

DeMaio recuses himself from this issue and steps out.

Daniel states that this will be located in the space formerly used for the Cabin Fever store, and that the film on the window was installed in advance with the understanding that it may need to be removed depending on the DRB review.  He introduces Mark Tremblay, the business owner.

Tremblay describes the window film measurements, stating that beginning at the bottom, there is clear glass extending up 20 inches, then film for 30 inches, and finally more clear glass for 20 inches to the top of the window.  He adds that the film is strictly for privacy and he would not be able to run his business without the film.

Daniel states that there will be 3 logos on the glass centered on the translucent film on those windows.  He adds that the sign is black and the white lettering is carved.  He explains that, because of the timing of this application, the SRA has approved it pending the DRB review.

Kennedy states that he looked at this location today and confirms that there will be a straight bracket.  He says that the bracket will hang on Essex Street at the corner.

Tremblay states that there is existing lighting for the sign.

Kennedy asks if the purple on the screening is the same as on the sign.

Tremblay says that he believes it is, and Kennedy stipulated that this should be a condition of the approval.

Kennedy states that if it is the same color then he is okay with it.  He adds that there is enough contrast with that purple but it will not be too strong.

Jaquith states that the owner has a real reason for the window film because his business will not work without it.

Blier states that the alternative would be to use curtains and that would not work.

Jaquith:  Motion to approve this design, provided the purple color on the sign matches the purple on the screening, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 4-0.

2.  32 Derby Square (Old Town Hall):  Discussion of proposed banners

Daniel states that this is a proposal to have banners on days when performances are scheduled.

Kristina Stevick from Gordon College states that the method for hanging the banners is a simple tension rod in the archway, so it will be easy to put up and take down on a performance day.  She adds that the banner was designed to look right with Derby Square and consistent with the institute.  She clarifies that there will be only two banners.

Durand states that these are professionally done and tasteful.

Jaquith states that he has no problem with the banners.

Kennedy states that the design and the color are very nice.  He explains that the colors on the printout didn’t look quite right with the door but he saw the banners in person and the colors actually do look right with the doors.

DeMaio states that the graphics are nice and he has no objections but he is not a fan of putting the banners in the window wells and if they can be hung from the pilasters it would be better, because the windows are the key architectural feature of the building.  He adds that apart from that the banners are nice.

Durand states that on the plus side it allows for easy attachment for the day.

DeMaio says that because the banners will be removed at the end of each day, he is okay with the banners being in the windows.

Jaquith:        Motion to approve the design, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 4-0.

Blier is not present to vote.

3.  244 Essex Street (For Kids Only Afterschool):  Discussion of proposed signage

Daniel states that there is a revised proposal

Gienapp states that the revised sign has no picture, and is only a foam-core sign with white letters.

Jaquith asks if the red of the sign is similar to the red of the trim.

Gienapp states that it is a little lighter.

Kennedy states that this is a lot better than the original design.

Jaquith confirms that the sign will not be lit.

DeMaio inquires about the depth of the carved letters.

Gienapp states that they are ½ inch deep.  He adds that the window decal has the kids on a black base and it does not go to the bottom of the window.

Kennedy suggests having the black go all the way to the bottom.

Gienapp states that he would rather eliminate the line.

After much discussion about the window decal, the members agree that the black line will be eliminated and it will not go all the way to the bottom.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve this design with the condition that the black line on the window decal is removed and the space at the bottom of the glass stays, seconded by Jaquith.  Passes 5-0.

4.  232 Essex Street (Fountain Place):  Discussion of proposed signage, painting, windows, and door

Daniel states that this proposed work is being funded in part by the City, and therefore requires a review process with the Historical Commission, who had no concerns about the windows and door, but they did have concerns about the sign proposal.  He says that, in response to the concerns from the Historical Commission, there is this newly revised proposal.  He explains that the wall sign will be on Essex Street and there will be no signage on the Washington Street side.

Durand asks about the text on the awnings.

Gienapp states that they haven’t determined the awning text, but they will use the same awnings and will paint over the current text.  He adds that the existing windows are not anything historical.

Jaquith states that the new windows look good.

Gienapp states that the upper windows will be out-swinging awning windows so the screens will be on the inside.

Durand states the letters seem compressed.

Kennedy states that the letters in the original proposal are huge and he doesn’t want to go that large.  He suggests cutting them almost in half and adding something more than just the dots to give this sign some kind of feeling.

Gienapp suggests adding some verticals to the trim work.

Jaquith says that he likes that idea.

Property owner Gazi Tara states he would like the awnings to have the text “Breakfast,” “Lunch,” and “Family Restaurant.”

The members discuss the name.

DeMaio states that the awnings are small and he would prefer that they contain no text, but if there is going to be text it should be small, a maximum of 4 inches.  He asks about the background paint on the sign.

Gienapp states that there will not be a background.

DeMaio expresses concern about the use of windows made of a composite material because they will not be paintable.  He states that the original building has all wood windows.

Gienapp states that the army/navy store across the street has aluminum windows.

Gazi Tara states that wood gets dirty and it doesn’t look right when washed.

DeMaio states that in distant views of the building you see how the whole comes together, and you will live with white windows and doors on the first floor unless it is renovated someday.

Kennedy asks if the windows and the doors must be the same color.

Durand states that the board does not object to white windows and that is what is being presented and he would support the windows as presented.  He reminds the Board that they still need to resolve the graphics.

Durand requests a review on the awnings.

Jaquith confirms that any text would need to come back to the Board.

Kennedy agrees that if any text is added back to the awnings, it should be smaller.  He asks if an additional “Fountain Place” wall sign can be on Washington Street.

Daniel states that this is beyond the project scope. He asks Kennedy if this is just a suggestion for consideration.

Kennedy states that it is just a suggestion for consideration.  He adds that he is very interested in that corner.

Much discussion ensues regarding the possibility of a sign on the Washington Street side.

Kennedy states that it feels like it needs something on Washington Street to be completed.

Durand states that he likes that idea, but it is not a mandate.

Gazi Tara states that he must look into the cost for this, but he would like it.

DeMaio suggests approving all but the text on the awnings.

Kennedy reviews all of the Board’s findings, which are:
  • Approve the type on the Fountain Place sign;
  • Approve in concept the text on the awnings;
  • Approve adding the panels on the sign band on the front ;
  • Recommend that they consider adding a sign on the Washington Street side; and
  • The windows will be white as presented.
Kennedy:        Motion to approve the design with the following conditions:
  • The sign band shall be divided into three panels;
  • The sign letters shall be spaced appropriately in the center panel;
  • The proposal showing the new text on the awnings shall be reviewed and approved at a future meeting; and
  • The windows shall be white as presented.
The DRB encourages the applicant to consider adding a sign on the Washington Street façade.

seconded by Durand.  Passes 5-0.

Approval of Minutes – August 20, 2009 Meeting

Voting members are Durand, Blier, Jaquith, and Kennedy.

Jquith:         Motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 4-0.

Kennedy:                Motion to adjourn, seconded by Blier.  Passes 5-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:30 p.m.